Concluding Words for Chapters 2 & 3

Formula: vitamins + minerals(a-zinc) = prevention of cancer + stronger immune system

My sincere apologies. My fact checking needs some major working on with more time. Of course, all this information is subject to change according to more newly developed tests and discoveries. I will update if new information comes up. I mainly started this blog to increase my knowledge that will help lead to better decision making when it comes to health and I hope it is also informative to any readers who are also searching for answers. I know it’s a lot of information, but it is the only way I know to educate myself. Bear with me, after all this is out of the way I can get to the better stuff (at least the more interesting stuff for me). Anyways, I have figured out the bottom line about vitamins and minerals and whether to take supplements or not.

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  1. Press for a well-balanced daily diet that hits all the serving requirements from the food pyramid. It is the best bet for a complete intake of the right vitamins and minerals.
  2. Take a multivitamin daily. According to Dr. Oz, “a study of 3 million people revealed that less than 1% of participants got enough essential vitamins from diet alone.” He also advises to take half in the morning and half at night to ensure its complete absorption.
  3. Check the dosages of your multivitamin. Stay within the recommendations at all times unless recommended by your physician. Important ones to consider are iron, calcium, vitamin A, E, and K.
  4. Take calcium and vitamin D in addition to your multivitamin. (600 mg of calcium with 400 mg of magnesium to prevent constipation and 1,000 IU vitamin D to help absorb the calcium into your body)
  5. Remember to consult your physician when taking vitamin supplements to see if it interacts with any medications you are currently taking.

It’s a hassle to estimate how much vitamins you’re taking because it means you need to glance at the food labels and watch for fortified foods. Most of the vitamins that your body does not use or need will be flushed out.

I use to pass by The Vitamin Shoppe and think to myself how could you possibly have a whole store of just vitamins. Now, I know and it will be my turn to run to the shop for my daily dose.

About Tiffany Nguyen

I aspire to become a fashion editor and stylist through determination and hard work. I have found enjoyment in finding new ways to creatively style outfits. Fashion gives me a challenge because it is constantly changing and increasingly growing. I love the fact that pieces of clothing can be interpreted differently with each person and we are able to compose a story using distinct fabrics, colors and accessories. Another goal of mine is to travel and explore places such as Turkey, Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, and Malaysia (just to name a few). I love learning about the different cultures of our world and how fashion plays into it. In an age of social media where publishing stories, pictures, and events are easily shared through a click of a button keeps me, as a writer, on my toes. No longer do my tools consist of a pen and notebook but the vast Internet and all its uses are at my fingertips. It’s exciting because I can share what I love about fashion with the world. Being surrounded by fashion is exactly where I want to be.

Posted on 01/18/2012, in Tips and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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